Spiritual Discipline: Prayer of Examen

Here is an important prayer exercise that can help you navigate these strange days. It is called the Prayer of Examen and is meant to help you experience Jesus in your life. It is not meant to point you to what when wrong in your day or even what went right.  It is to...

Update On Our Covid-19 Response

This morning in prayer time we read 1 Peter 1:3-9.  It was a good verse to read in our first “Morning Prayers Online” moment.  Verse 6-7 reads, “In this you rejoice, even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, so that the...

Snakes or Doves – Navigating Fear

For years I would go to Worlds of Fun, which is a fantastic amusement park in Kansas City, and watch with horror as people would line up to get on the big roller coasters.  I loved the park and looked forward to going every summer, but I thought going one hundred...

A Word About GTCC and Covid-19

There are tough decisions being made on whether or not to meet tomorrow and going forward.  Because the advice that is being given out by our health authorities and government is not to meet if we are in groups of 250 or larger, we believe that it is OK to gather....

Avoiding the Challenge of the Day

There is a warning that is quite common these days in Christian circles that the church as we know it is dying. Statistics are often used to point out how young people are leaving the church in droves and that mainline churches are dropping in numbers quickly, often...